المشاركة المجتمعية، بجث، أوراق بحثية، المجالس المحلية

The civic participation and the local development in Egypt

Nowadays, Civic participation is an important topic in Egypt, especially when it comes as a generator for alternative solutions for the national economic crisis, it helps the community and the government in shaping needs, issues, solutions, plans, and priorities, because of that we believe in the power of civic participation to enhance skills and knowledge to active participation.

This is the second paper in Civic Participation file, it comes after the first one which was focus on civic participation definitions, and the levels of it based on UNDP.  This paper focuses on the formal structure of civic participation in Egypt, by giving and historical introduction for the local councils, and its duties and structure, and how can it help in design and planning and implementation for the development programs, and the most important thing: what are we losing after Cancellation of its work in 2011.


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